Saturday, May 01, 2010

30 Days - Day 29...... The Next 365 Days

~I can't call what is going to happen in the next 365 days, who knows??? I know I'll get married in October, and I know I'll start pottery sometime soon but who knows what else will happen????

~I am excited for this next year to come, to see what does happen, to play some more with my nephews, to create and design and of course to have fun!!!

~I hope you continue to follow my adventures over the next year, it's so lovely that so many of you have chosen to follow my blog, and it's so very apprecaited.

~I'll be back tomorrow with the last day and some news.....

~Remember I'm having a giveaway going on just now, see HERE.

~love, Vicki xxx

1 comment:

Denise said...

sometimes it is good not to know what lies ahead! your blog is great!