Friday, June 15, 2012

The End//Honest To Blog

I thought long and hard about the direction of this blog; I haven't posted regularly in months and I really had no focus for it. Sadly I have made the decision that this will be my last post here, it's been a good innings - I've enjoyed this blog and I've sometimes hated it. My posts have been loved and hated, my life has been judged but it's all been worth it - I had a blast, I got nearly 200 followers and over 50,000 pageviews and I made new friends.

I did interviews, tried out blog sponsors, did lots of baking features and tried out many more things - I experimented with this blog and I spent lots of time with it. But it's time to move on, and time for a new direction. You can now find me over on it's a good place to knit; which is a knitting focused blog with just a little bit of life thrown in there. If you enjoy knitting or you just want to see what I'm doing, come find me.

Thank you for the years, for the memories and most of all thank you to the haters - you made all of this worth it!!!

V xo


Kirsty.A said...

Good luck with the new blog. I can't knit for toffee so I probably won't be following, but it's been nicve 'knowing' you

Lisa said...

Ahhh...and I was just getting back to the blogging world. I will miss your blog but totally understand the need for change. Best of luck with your new blogging venture! I'm not much for knitting but will stop by from time to time. -Lisa

NADER said...

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